/manager/Index en-au 5 Estimating the effect of winter cover crops on nitrogen leaching using cost-share enrollment data, satellite remote sensing, and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling /manager/Repository/uon:47214 Zea mays L.) fields and 9% of soybean (Glycine max L.) fields in 2008 to 89% of corn fields and 46% of soybean fields in 2016. Satellite remote sensing of wintertime ground cover detected increased wintertime vegetation following corn crops, in comparison to full season and double cropped soybean, consistent with patterns of cover crop implementation. Although interannual variation in climate strongly affected observed levels of vegetation, with warm winters resulting in increased vegetative cover, a 30-year analysis of wintertime greenness revealed significant increases in wintertime vegetation associated with increased adoption of WCC. The MACS WCC enrollment data were combined with output from the SWAT model, calibrated to streamflow and nutrient loading from the Upper Tuckahoe watershed, to estimate water quality impacts based on known distribution of cover crop species and planting dates (2008 to 2017). Results indicated a 25% overall 10-year reduction in nitrate (NO3) leaching from cropland attributable to cover crop adoption, rising to an estimated 38% load reduction in 2016 when 64% of fields were planted to cover crops. Results suggest that increased environmental benefits would be achieved by shifting agronomic methods away from late-planted wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which comprised 34.7% of all WCC planted between 2008 and 2017.]]> Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:55:23 AEDT ]]> Assessing winter cover crop nutrient uptake efficiency using a water quality simulation model /manager/Repository/uon:19392 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:03:32 AEST ]]> Improving the catchment scale wetland modeling using remotely sensed data /manager/Repository/uon:38100 Tue 03 Aug 2021 18:56:35 AEST ]]> Assessing the cumulative impacts of geographically isolated wetlands on watershed hydrology using the SWAT model coupled with improved wetland modules /manager/Repository/uon:35198 Thu 21 Oct 2021 12:51:32 AEDT ]]> Assessing the impacts of future climate conditions on the effectiveness of winter cover crops in reducing nitrate loads into the chesapeake bay watersheds using the SWAT model /manager/Repository/uon:32241 Thu 21 Oct 2021 12:51:23 AEDT ]]>